August 18, 2023463
Heads of Departments and Unit Heads in Twifo Ati – Morkwa District Assembly (TAMDA) on the 11th of September, 2020, were trained on how to prepare a budget for their Department/Units.
In attendance were the District Co-ordinating Director – Mr. Bernard K. P. Sakyiama (Chairman), District Budget Analyst – Mr. Louis Owusu Ansah (Secretary) as well as Members of the Budget Committee and Departmental Heads and Unit Heads of the District Assembly.
Mr. Louis Owusu Ansah took the committee through a presentation that focused on departmental & unit expectations which guides them in the preparation of their budget. He also took turns in addressing the concerns and questions raised during the training.
He expressed the hope that officers charged with tasks would complete them. The training programme came to a successful end.
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Could you please update the site for us?
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