August 18, 2023463
The Department of Agriculture (DOFA) in the Twifo/Ati-Morkwa District, the District Research-Extension-Farmers Linkage Committee (RELC) on Tuesday 27th July, 2021 run a workshop on improving Agriculture for farmers in the Twifo/Ati-Morkwa District at the District Assembly Hall.
Present at the meeting were Mr. Bernard K.P. Sakyiama-the District Coordinating Director (DCD) for the Twifo/Ati-Morkwa District Assembly, Mr. Alfred Otoo-the District Director of Agriculture and Mrs. Sophia Afful-the Deputy Regional RELC Coordinator.
Mr. Bernard K.P. Sakyiama during his welcome address briefly brushed on the need to improve Agriculture in the District and implored the gathering to give their maximum attention to discussions to be undertaken. He also urged the Department of Agriculture to do their best to raise the standard of Agriculture in the District.
Mr. Alfred Otoo took the gathering through a series of constraints in the production of crops in the District. The constraints included; low yield, high level of poverty among farmers, food insecurity, lack of certified planting materials and price fluctuation. The causes of the constraints were also discussed as; pest and parasite, poor agronomic practices, declining soil fertility, lack of storage facilities, and lack of guaranteed market price.
He went further to discuss interventions implemented to mitigate the challenges which included; the supply of subsided certified seeds, the distribution of chemicals (124 litres and 200g of sachet) to Five Hundred and Thirty-four (534) farmers and a total of 10 farmers fora held to educate farmers.
Mrs. Sophia Afful led the gathering to identify some major crops and livestock grown in the District which included; maize, plantain, cassava, oil palm, beans coconut, tiger nuts, sweet potato and rice. Some livestock reared in the District are: poultry, goats and sheep, rabbit, grasscutter, bee, snail and pig. She listed some of the intervention details as; the provision of certified seeds, inputs, fertilizers, the construction of storage facilities, the construction of simple irrigation system and awareness creation. She encouraged farmers to be involved in the intervention approaches such as; farm visits, farmers fora, farmers training, radio discussions, field day and discussion with some opinion leaders and chiefs.
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