August 18, 2023463
The Department of Social Welfare of the Twifo/Ati-Morkwa District Assembly (TAMDA) disbursed an amount of Forty-two Thousand Nine Hundred Ghana Cedis (GHS 42, 900.00) to Fifty-Eight (58) Persons with Disability in the district, on Wednesday, 28th October 2020 at the District Assembly Hall. The amount ranged from Three thousand Ghana Cedis (GHS 3, 000.00) for the highest beneficiary to Six hundred Ghana Cedis (GHS 600.00) for the least beneficiary.
The occasion was graced with the presence of the District Chief Executive (DCE) – Hon. Robert Agyemang-Nyantakyi, the District Coordinating Director (DCD) – Mr. Bernard K.P. Sakyiama, the Chairman of the Disability Fund Management Committee (DFMC) – Hon. Sayed Effah, Representative from the Common Fund Secretariat (CFS) – Mr. Patrick Adu Owusu and Mr. Kofi Kwakye – the District Director of Social Welfare and Community Development (SWCD).
The dignitaries, during their speech advised the beneficiaries to invest wisely into businesses which would yield more income, to make their lives easier and comfortable.
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